Hi folks,
Here are the video content for you to review. Get some popcorn and enjoy!
two examples of differentiating functions with exponential functions
example of logarithmic differentiation
example of differentiating natural log function
examples of integrating functions with the ln function
example of finding area bound by a tangent function
from 6-6-2016
example of Integration of logarithmic function
example differential equation to describe exponential growth
How to differentiate an inverse trig function
Introduction to Numerical Integration 6-13-2016
the sound on the two videos below did not work. I will remake them when I get a chance
How to use excel and the Goldy Lock method to evaluate an integral
Hot to use excel and trapezoids to evaluate an integral
Here are the video for the June 16 th class. The topic is integration by trigonometric substitution.
ex 4 solving a differential equation by trig sub
Your hw for this section (8.4) is 1-57odd
Your take home quiz over these videos are the following problems
Please work these one problem per page and show all work for full credit. These are due monday june 20th at 7:45am.
Videos from June 14 2016
example 1 Integration by Parts
example 2 Integration by Parts
Videos from June 15 2016
example finding area using integration by parts
Integration of powers of sines and cosines
example of integration using trig sub
June 21 2016
example of integration by partial fractions
Criteria of convergence of 1/xP
June 22 2016
area and volume of Gabrial’s Horn
June 28 2016
proving convergence of a series by ratio
proving convergence by integral test
Videos for July 1 through July 6
example of calculating a Taylor Series
Take Home Quiz 10.8 16,34,36
Homework over Taylor Series is 10.8 1-35 odd
The quiz and HW are due Wed July 6.
Some Review for your final exam
finding the volume of a solid of revolution
Finding an area by integration
June 20 2016
checking power series for convergence
July 5 2016
July 6
Calculus of parameterized curves ex 1
Calculus of parameterized curves ex 2
Calculus of parameterized curves ex 3
July 12 2016
Intro into plotting in polar coordinates
July 13 2016