Great Film Directing Insight!


This is the first video in a series of personal vlogs created by my colleague Nick Jenkins. Nick is a screenwriter, producer, cinematographer and director based out of my second home, Montana. Besides being great fun to watch, his videos do a fantastic job of describing what a film directors’ head needs to go through during the creation of a project. Check out the rest of the stuff on his channel, too!

TheLonelyDirector – Ep01: TheHardestPart… Right Now – YouTube.

Lucky Stiff Spring Trailer


Lucky Stiff Trailer- Spring 2012

The first of its’ kind at KCC, here is the promotional trailer for spring 2012 semester’s productioon of Lucky Stiff. It was shot during the second week of rehearsals and displayed all around campus a few weeks before the show. I hope to greatly increase multi-media promotion of KCC shows in the future with projects like this.