Office hours are an opportunity for you to get additional help from me (and your other professors!) and/or shoot the breeze about your college plans. Because of Covid-19, I cannot meet with you in my office since it is too small for us to be socially distanced. The best option is for us to meet by Microsoft Teams (I’ll be able to make comments on your paper on-screen while we discuss it). If you just want to talk by phone, that is fine also.

You will get an emailed confirmation for your scheduled appointment.

for immediate help & scheduled appointments
Monday2:00-4:00 PM
Tuesday4:00-5:00 PM
Wednesday11:00 AM- 2:00 PM
Thursday4:00-5:00 PM
FridayAvailable by Remind and email only

How to Reach Me

You may reach me by phone (269-660-2297), by Remind, by KCC email, or via scheduled Teams meetings during the listed office hours. If you call and only reach my voicemail during my office hours, that likely means I’m on the phone or Teams with another student or colleague. If this happens, please use Remind to text me and I will get back to you shortly. (The Remind signup is at the top of your Moodle course; don’t forget: the “general course info” area shows all messages.)

Students who have scheduled meeting will always have priority at their scheduled time. To schedule a specific appointment, pick a day/time on my booking page and use your KCC email as the contact email (see the SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT NOW! link at the top of this page).

Response Times

Email and Remind messages sent during the workday (Monday through Friday, 9-5) will generally be responded to that day; Remind and email messages sent after 5 PM or during the weekends will get a response during the next work day, if not earlier. If your email/Remind question requires a detailed response or further conversation, I may respond by asking you to schedule a phone/Teams meeting.

Appointments Outside my Scheduled Office Hours

If you would like to schedule an appointment to speak with me by phone/Teams outside my scheduled office hours, please let me know several days/times you are available, and I will accommodate one of those days/times if possible.